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Templated Website Build: Simple website for family business

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Sarah Harvey Counselling is a sole-trading private counsellor who required a website build for her private practice. Due to the sensitivity surrounding mental health therapy, it was important that the site feel and copy were both calm and warming whilst serving the purpose of generating new enquiries. 


It was decided that the site build would be created from a templated design to save time and money in getting set up, as well as allowing for easy site management by the client upon completion of the site build.


As the counsellor is highly qualified in their field and provides services from a beautiful purpose-built log cabin space, it was important that the premium counselling services were reflected in the site's classic branding and these key selling points were showcased on the site. This project required a number of carefully considered iterations to reach completion, including selection of typefaces, colour palettes, site and portrait photography and careful copywriting to be consistent with the nature of the brand.


Key services required specific landing pages as an SEO tool to help the site's positioning in SERPs for clients who were researching about how counselling may be an option for them.


This website has been regarded as an 'elite website' by other counsellors.

© 2024 created by K.Harvey

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